Hitting the Screen

How we are investing in ourselves and digitizing our business in a post-COVID economy

February 14, 2022

by Julianna Spina

Jumping into 2023, talent and organizational structures become a key differentiator between the good and the great fashion companies. The industry faces a near-crisis talent crunch and needs to focus on obtaining and retaining key talent for healthy, strategic growth.

Since the begining of 2021, there has been a sharp increase in voluntary attrition. Fashion is basically fighting against sexier tech jobs that are offering young talent more money and vertical growth. Though fashion companies have an undeniable need to build out their digital initiatives programs, employees are straight up leaving the fashion industry at higher rates than any other industries. It is clear that the fashion industry needs to modernize its marketing structure and create competitive salaries for its digital talent in order for the company and employees to grow together.

“ It is clear that the fashion industry needs to modernize its marketing structure and create competitive salaries for its digital talent in order for the company and employees to grow together.”

Though fashion companies have an undeniable need to build out their digital footprint, many companies are falling behind and piling the workload of social media management onto their original marketing team without pay increase. Making sure that digital marketing is valued within your company and that there is a strategic plan to get the most out of the wild west of social media is imperative to grow your business in 2023.

To make a long story short, we understand this need and have just started a digital initiatives program with amazing new talent. Wholesalers have more digital resources now than ever with amazing wholesale to buyer e-commerce apps like JOOR and the usage of digital showrooms.

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